Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lori 13

Hi Everyone
here is some information on solids, liquid and gases.
Solids, liquids and gases
i used my own words

A solid is a substance that cannot be compressed. It does not flow when it is at a given temperature. Solids keep shape to make things easier in a person’s life like being able to sit down after a long days work and being able to eat at the table.

Liquid is a substance that flows and cannot be compressed. A liquid does not stay in shape for long. Liquids can be in any thickness or colour.

Gases flow like liquid and can be any shape or size. Every time we breathe in we are bringing in millions of particles into our body. I think it is kind of scary because we breathe in millions of particles.

Gases, liquids and solids:
All these substances are very tiny and cannot be seen through a microscope. In the air particles are all around us but you just can’t see them.

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