Monday, May 31, 2010

Erin 23

Here are the candle Q's

Cheer Erin

For candle to burn you need a wick, wax, oxygen to breathe and matches.
The wax turns into a liquid and sits at the top of the tin. This is called melting when it comes from a solid to a liquid.
The wick gets black and the wax starts to melt at the top and makes a pool of wax.
When only the wick is burning the gas from the wick becomes carbon dioxide and goes into the air. The wick burns all the way till the end quickly.
If only the wax was lit the wax wouldn’t burn because it has not got a wick.
If you a put a jar over the top of a light candle, the jar blocks the oxygen that the candle needs to stay a light. Also the size of the jar actually gives more oxygen to the candle. If you have a larger jar it holds more oxygen for the candle but if you have a smaller jar it doesn’t hold as much air.

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