Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Erin 16

Here is an lesson i had to do about gases and liquids and solids

Solids can be soft or hard. They need someone to change their shape they can’t change it themselves. Solid particles can’t move as freely as liquid or gas it just vibrates.
Changing Solids
Changing solids have different materials which means they melt at different room temperatures, that is called The Melting Point.

When you pour a liquid into a container the liquid does not just float it goes to the bottom of the container. The reason why is because the gravity pulls the liquid down to the bottom of the container. Liquid particles can move more freely then solid but not as much as gas.
The gas gets it’s weight from the gravity. Gas particles can move more freely around then the liquid and solid.

Cheers Erin


  1. Well done Erin. Very detailed information and well organised thoughts.
    Miss P
