Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hi everyone

A big change in Japan is when the Americans dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki, ending 'World War 2'. It changed the cities from a thriving city to a flattened wasteland. Only some of the buildings kept standing (Some of the British ones) and the rest were just gone. War is a big change for many things. Here are some pictures of a model showing what those cities were like before, and then after, the bomb. In the picture of before the bomb, you can see a sort of main bridge connecting the three parts of land together. The Americans were aiming for that, but missed, and hit off to the side.


  1. Wow that is an amazing model of the city
    Did you make it??

  2. No, I didn't make it. They are pictures which Laura took in a museum in Japan.I wish I could make something as good looking as that! :-D
